Strong Tea

Strong Tea A bakery and tea room of J. Stankevičienė. Šeduva, 1929. Antanas Bukauskas Regional Museum of the Šeduva Gymnasium.

A bakery and tea room of J. Stankevičienė. Šeduva, 1929. Antanas Bukauskas Regional Museum of the Šeduva Gymnasium.

Shtetl’s Speakeasies

There were numerous tea rooms in Šeduva in the period between the two world wars. People gathered there to warm up, have a light snack, and spend time in a cultured environment.

While these establishments were not licensed to serve intoxicating beverages, occasional lapses occurred. In fact, a disgruntled observer lamented in 1925, "In those [tea rooms], it seems they are selling some very strong tea, because people always leave drunk."

Such incidents led to the imposition of monetary fines on two tea rooms in 1928 for their unauthorized sale of alcohol.