A Heavy Load

A Heavy Load Water carrier Mendelson from Anyksciai, Lithuania. Courtesy of Yad Vasehm.

Water carrier Mendelson from Anyksciai, Lithuania. Courtesy of Yad Vasehm.

Cheerful Water Carrier

In the shtetl, residents took on all sorts of jobs to make ends meet. One of the toughest was fetching water from distant wells or water sources. With heavy buckets slung over their shoulders and eyes fixed on the ground, they patiently delivered water wherever it was needed.

Water carrying was grueling work, especially in winter. Imagine trying to keep your balance on icy roads or trudging through deep snowdrifts! For all this effort, they received only symbolic payment, so many lived in poverty. Women, too, were among these tireless carriers.

This photograph captures Mendelson, a water carrier from Anykščiai, standing with his water buckets. Despite being mute, Mendelson always worked with a smile, communicating with others through notes when needed.