Joyful Arrival

Joyful Arrival The local rabbi of Kursenai received the local Cardinal. Courtesy of Yad Vashem.

The local rabbi of Kursenai received the local Cardinal. Courtesy of Yad Vashem.

Spirit of Coexistence

The residents of Kuršėnai joyfully welcome the cardinal arriving in the shtetl. Behind them, you can see the impressive gates of honor, which were commonly erected during the interwar period to greet special guests or celebrate national holidays.

In the photograph, the cardinal is standing with the Jews of Kuršėnai, warmly chatting with the town’s rabbi. This image beautifully captures the spirit of respectful coexistence between Lithuanians and Jews.

Some Lithuanian clergy also interacted with Jews in their daily lives. For instance, the priest Antanas Pauliukas wrote in his diary about a visit to the Troškūnai shtetl in 1936, where he met with local Jews and the rabbi. They all enjoyed tea and snacks together.